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Sansi LED: Sustainable LED Lighting and Integrated LED Display

Delivering premium and professional LED Display, LED Lighting, Smart City Integration solutions, trusted by over 60,000 companies worldwide everyday. From industrial lighting to commercial lighting, from outdoor advertising to XR & VR production, Sansi LED greatly improves the quality and sustainability of your business with 30 years of expert experiences.

Yintai Plaza Customization


The high degree combination of LED display technology and LED lighting makes the display brilliant during the day, and the display effect is not affected by sunlight. At night, the display is radiant, clear and translucent with its whole structure shining, transforming the financial area into a "City of Heaven" at night.

The full-color LED commercial display embedded in Yintai Plaza has extremely high definition and bright colors, cyclically displaying different brand advertisements all day long. This real-time, dynamic and full-color LED display can particularly and vividly display the contents provided by the advertisers. The extremely impressive and cohesive digital landmark also attracts numerous well-known brands and customers. It is undoubtedly a fascinating and beautiful landscape no matter in daytime or at night.
